Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges.
Information for whānau and friends
Well-meaning advice
When someone we care about has a problem, it is natural to try to help in whatever way we can. If there is nothing specific we can do, then often we try to give helpful advice.
Don’t feel that you need to ‘fix’ things for them. You can’t. The pain of infertility will not magically disappear. Just being there when they ask you, will be comforting. Allow them to be sad and upset when they need to be.
For some, the loss of fertility is the ultimate loss of control
Infertility means losing control of your reproductive future. It may mean organising your body and life around a series of investigations and treatment cycles. This means exposing a very personal and private part of one’s life to a group of people in an infertility clinic; it may mean being instructed when to have sex and when not to; and it may mean having to celebrate news of others’ pregnancies. The future becomes uncertain; it can become difficult to plan careers when there is always the hope of a pregnancy in the near future. Travel plans may also have to fit in around treatment; and indeed the need for a break or holiday may have to be balanced against the need to pay for treatment or investigations.
This loss of control may manifest itself in many ways, including anger which may be directed at friends and family.
"I will never ask someone when they are having kids because they might be trying. They might have spent Saturday morning lined up in the freezing cold waiting for the blood testing lab to open so that they can get their blood drawn before 9am. They might have just avoided the baby aisle of the supermarket so that they didn’t have to look at the cute babies on the packets of nappies. They might have just declined an invitation to yet another baby shower because they can’t slap on a smile that day."
Excerpt from Taryn's story